
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ring in the New School Year with These Must-See Videos

Most have been around for a while. You probably have seen most of them before. Perhaps there are some that you haven't yet seen. Whatever the case, each of the following videos is worth watching again. It is important from time to time to refocus, and what better time than now - at the start of a new school year.

Keep in mind, this is just a small sampling of the many excellent videos that are out there on 21st Century education, motivation, etc. So here goes.

This first video is a reminder that we may need to rethink how we do things.

A look at the future - with a British accent.

I know that this is not the most recent version of Did You Know?, but it's still my favorite.

If you haven't heard Taylor Mali, then this is a good time to start. What do you make?

A classic from TED. Sir Ken Robinson on schools and creativity.

Just a bit of motivation from a young Dallas student.

And a little bit more Taylor Mali.

Enjoy and pass them on!

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