
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A different kind of FETC for 2016

As FETC veterans begin to arrive at the Orange County Convention Center tomorrow, they will, no doubt, notice some changes. For some it will be the fact the FETC - having long dominated the south wing of the OCCC - is now sharing that space with the surfers convention (water surfers, not web surfers) and is split between the north and south wings. Some will notice that the paid workshops are now located at the Hyatt, a short walk from the rest of FETC. These changes should account for a bit more walking this year. No big deal.

For me, the major difference is a personal one. It was a difficult first semester this year. Other then making sure I was prepared for my workshop, I really didn't do much in preparation for FETC. There was no planning of the annual Tweetup at TGI Fridays. We had a run of 5 years with the Tweetup, but there was no real drive to organize it this year. Ordinarily, I would spend the weeks leading up to FETC blogging and Tweeting. There was none of that this year. I didn't use the #FETC hashtag until the drive down to Orlando this morning.

So I wrote all of that to say this, this year FETC will be about re-engaging. Not the regular recharge that I get every year at this massive event. No, I talking about a total reevaluation of my role in education. It will be an opportunity to re-engage with my PLN (which I have neglected as of late). In short, I'm hoping that this week will represent a major turning point in the career. That may seem like a lofty goal for a four day conference. We'll see.

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